
Friday, 28 June 2013

Following on

On Wednesday, I had my first post-operative appointment with my hand surgeon. I've been struggling with my afterthoughts and having regrets with hindsight lately, but my surgeon has been really lovely about everything.

When I had the dressings taken down, I was really worried, since I had no idea what to expect and what it would look like. The best news is that the ulcer is now gone, and the skin is closed. However, there is a lot of bone missing, and I won't get it back, however successful this operation is, and has been.

My recovery seems to have stalled a little - I'd thought that my gastrointestinal symptoms would ease, once I was off the antibiotics, but it seems like they're here to stay. I've been getting very bloated to the point where I look nearly pregnant, and things just don't feel right. For a while now, I've realised that milk doesn't agree with me, nor do fried, heavy foods. Generally, I snack lightly during the day and then have a small meal at dinner, which seems to suit me much better than my old diet.

I'm disappointed that my joint has been fused totally straight. On the morning of my operation, I'd asked my surgeon whether it'd be fused straight or bent, and he informed me that it would be slightly bent, as it would be the most functional. Now I've seen it, it's straight, if not slightly too straight and verging on hyperextended. The timescale with which we were working pre-operatively was so tight, that now I look back and have many regrets.

My mind and body are all-over-the-place right now. My Ehlers-Danlos is really rebelling since the operation, and I'm having quite a few mucosal bleeds since the effect of the platelet transfusions wore off. I'm seeing my haematologist in two weeks' time, so hopefully we can put a stop to the bleeding. This is most definitely not the most coherent post I've written, but it's difficult to put so many thoughts in writing when nothing's quite straight. Hopefully I'll be able to write again soon, with some better news. x

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